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Magnetic math manipulatives

Tools To Make Learning Fun

Bring the joy back to learning with our full range of educational toys.

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Magnetic math manipulatives
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Save money buying hands-on educational toys that make a difference and last for years.

Save The Children

Save The Children

Nearly 50% of children are not engaged in schools according to Gallup's 2014 student poll. Create an inspiring learning environment to boost engagement!

Save The World

Save The World

We contribute a portion of our sales to educational non-profit projects to support children who otherwise would not have access to education.

Plastic Base Ten Blocks

Master base ten concepts with ease, develop number sense, build a deep understanding of place value with colorful plastic base ten blocks! Perfect educational tool to make learning fun, visual and hands-on!

Plastic Base Ten

Plastic Base Ten Blocks

Master base ten concepts with ease, develop number sense, build a deep understanding of place value with colorful plastic base ten blocks! Perfect educational tool to make learning fun, visual and hands-on!

Foam Base
Ten Blocks

Colorful and differentiated foam base ten blocks are lightweight, quiet, visual and perfect for hands-on learning!

Foam Base Ten

Foam Base
Ten Blocks

Colorful and differentiated foam base ten blocks are lightweight, quiet, visual and perfect for hands-on learning!

Magnetic Base
Ten Blocks

Liven up your white boards and bring abstract base ten concepts to life with Simply Magic magnetic differentiated base ten blocks! Great for both whole-class demonstration and individual work.

Magnetic Base Ten

Magnetic Base
Ten Blocks

Liven up your white boards and bring abstract base ten concepts to life with Simply Magic magnetic differentiated base ten blocks! Great for both whole-class demonstration and individual work.

Ten Frames

Learn counting, develop number sense, understand number patterns, practice addition and subtraction with Simply Magic set of ten frames and counters!

Magnetic Ten Frames

Ten Frames

Learn counting, develop number sense, understand number patterns, practice addition and subtraction with Simply Magic set of ten frames and counters!

Magnetic Fractions

Master fractions with ease! Simply Magic set of magnetic fractions and tiles make learning and teaching fractions a breeze!

Magnetic Fractions for kids

Magnetic Fractions

Master fractions with ease! Simply Magic set of magnetic fractions and tiles make learning and teaching fractions a breeze!

Learning Calendar

Your children will look forward to updating their Learning Calendar every morning! Perfect to quickly learn days of the week, months and dates, what the weather is like.

My Daily Magnetic Calendar

Learning Calendar

Your children will look forward to updating their Learning Calendar every morning! Perfect to quickly learn days of the week, months and dates, what the weather is like.


Open up the world to children and sparkle those clever conversations during meal time with Simply Magic set of Educational Placemats!

Educational Placemats Set


Open up the world to children and sparkle those clever conversations during meal time with Simply Magic set of Educational Placemats!

Learning Decorations

Create your own perfect learning space with our full range of classroom decorations and educational posters!

educational posters

Learning Decorations

Create your own perfect learning space with our full range of classroom decorations and educational posters!


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and tricks from fellow Magicians

Simply Magic

Created With Love in Australia